Extension of Taxiway Golf and Taxiway Bravo Project

Budget: $50,783,229
Projected Timeline: January 2021 – October 2023
Status: Completed
Project Description:
The primary purpose of the project is to construct and extend Taxiway Golf (G) to the west of its current location. With the opening of the new terminal north of Runway 11/29, Taxiway G needs to be extended to better accommodate the traffic that will use Runway 11/29, specifically the Runway 29 Approach where aircraft will back taxi down Taxiway G to the North Terminal.
The extension will be an additional 1,500 feet from the existing west end of Taxiway G and will connect Taxiway G with the Runway 11 end. In addition, Taxiway Bravo will be built out from its current stub out from Runway 11-29 and tie into Taxiway G. The project will also include the installation of lighting and signage for all new pavements.
The project will improve safety, reducing conflicts between taxing aircraft. The project will also reduce taxiway occupancy time having both an environmental and economic impact of reducing fuel consumption.
The project is fully funded by Federal Aviation Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants.