The SLDBE Program is open to all business owners regardless of race, ethnicity or gender. In this program, an overall participation goal of 35% of all public works projects funded by state and local dollars was established for SLDBE-certified firms. For information on the SLDBE Program and revisions to City of New Orleans Policy Memorandum 46R, please see the Creating Pathways to Prosperity for the People of New Orleans presentation.
The Office of Supplier Diversity for the City of New Orleans is now the custodial owner of all SLDBE-certified firms, their certification files, and any future certification applications:
A firm is certifiable under this program if it is at least 51% owned and controlled by individuals who are socially and economically disadvantaged and where the firm is not dominant in its industry. There are no presumptions of disadvantaged status for any racial, ethnic group or gender. Each individual must supply evidence of both historic and continuing economic and social disadvantage. The burden of proof must be borne by the applicant. SLDBE Certification is reciprocal for the SLDBE programs administered by the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, Harrah’s Jazz Casino, and the New Orleans International Airport.
SLDBE Contract Compliance
Firms must be SLDBE-certified prior to bid submission to be considered for participation toward any SLDBE contract goal. Post-bid certification concerns must be addressed and approved by the DBELO.
To view a list of SLDBE-certified firms, via the City of New Orleans’ Office of Supplier Diversity, visit:
SLDBE Bid Forms
SLDBE Compliance Form 1 – Documentation of Contract Participation
SLDBE Compliance Form 1 – Documentation of Contract Participation (RFQ)
SLDBE Compliance Form 2 – Documentation of Good Faith Efforts
SLDBE Firm Statement of Intent to Perform (must be filled out and signed by each listed SLDBE firm)
Contractors on SLDBE-goaled contracts are required to report directly to the DBE Office, on at least a quarterly basis, payment activity to subcontractors, subconsultants, trucking companies, brokers, and SLDBEs. Q1 reports are due by Apr 20; Q2 reports are due by Jul 20; Q3 reports are due by Oct 20; and Q4 reports are due by Jan 20. Monthly reports would be due no later than the 20th day of the following month.
SLDBE Contract Compliance Monitoring Forms
To be completed and submitted directly to the DBE Office, on at least a quarterly basis, after the execution of the agreement:
Schedule J – Quarterly Activity Report
If the goal is not being met, the DBE Office may request the submission of this form:
Documentation of Good Faith Efforts
If the Prime needs to remove, substitute, or reduce the scope/commitment of a DBE firm listed at bid, pre-approval from the DBELO is required:
Request for Removal and/or Substitution of SLDBE firm
Request for Subcontractor Modification (reduction in SLDBE scope/services)
When a contract reaches close-out status, and a retainage invoice is submitted, this form should be submitted to the DBE Office as part of close-out procedures:
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