DBE Liaison Officer:
Philistine Ferrand
504.303.7614 (fax)

The Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (LANOIA) is committed to creating opportunity for disadvantaged, small, minority and women-owned business enterprises (D/SM/WBEs) to compete equitably for business opportunities and achieve economic success, contributing to MSY’s overall mission of expanding horizons.


It is the Airport’s stated commitment to remove any barriers which may impede small business participation, and to assist in the development of small business certified firms to compete successfully, ensuring that the diversity programs are tailored in accordance with applicable laws, and consistently implementing small business eligibility standards.


To be eligible for diversity program certifications, a business must be for-profit, have at least 51% ownership by a U.S. citizen or lawfully permanent resident of the U.S. who is socially and/or economically disadvantaged, meet the size criteria defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA): www.sba.gov/content/table-small-business-size-standards, and must not exceed the personal net worth cap or annual gross receipts cap (per applicable program) in the three, previous fiscal years. Each individual must supply evidence of both historic and continuing economic and social disadvantaged.


The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Liaison Officer (DBELO) is responsible for monitoring diversity program project goals from pre-award to completion, ensuring that all diversity goals are met. This includes reviewing the diversity goal for contract awards, monitoring monthly or quarterly payments to SL/(AC)DBEs, performing commercially useful function reviews, resolving conflicts and complaints, and reviewing project files upon completion for compliance with the SL/(AC)DBE program requirements.


The Programs are summarized, below, but, please, visit the links to the left or title links, below, to learn more. Firms must be certified in the business diversity program of the set contract goal prior to bid submission to be considered for participation toward meeting any diversity contract goal. Post-bid certification concerns must be addressed and approved by the DBELO.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

The DBE Program, pursuant to 49 CFR Part 26, includes all contracts for construction, professional services, and procurement, which are funded in whole or in part by federal dollars from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). The NOAB adheres to nondiscriminatory practices in the award and administration of all DOT-assisted contracts.


Click here to view the Airport’s DBE Program Plan.


The New Orleans Aviation Board hereby announces its fiscal years 2023 – 2025 (October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2025) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal for all construction and professional services contracts let during that time which are funded in whole or in part by federal dollars.


A virtual meeting will be held on August 31, 11 am at: airport.webex.com; meeting 2455 261 3108; password flymsy. A live recording will be made available September 7, 11 am


The public notice, proposed goal and goal setting methodology are available at DBE Program.


To view a list of DBE-certified firms, visit the Louisiana Unified Certification Program site: www.LAUCP.org -> UCP Directory Search.

Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) Program

The ACDBE Program, pursuant to 49 CFR Part 23, includes certain concessions operations at the airport.


Click here to view the Airport’s ACDBE Program Plan.


To view a list of ACDBE-certified firms, visit the Louisiana Unified Certification Program site: www.LAUCP.org -> UCP Directory Search -> Select Airport Concession from the “Type Service” drop-down box.

Louisiana Unified Certification Program (LAUCP)

In order to comply with regulatory mandates, the NOAB has collectively joined with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD), the LADOTD New Orleans DBE Office and the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority to develop and implement uniform procedures for DBE certification. This program eliminates the necessity for DBE firms to complete multiple applications, as certification decisions are reciprocally accepted throughout the UCP membership in Louisiana.


For further information on the UCP, please go to: www.LAUCP.org.

Small Business Enterprise/Element (SBE) Program

The SBE Program, pursuant to 49 CFR Part 26 Section 26.39, is open to all business owners regardless of race, ethnicity or gender.


Click here to view the Airport’s SBE Program Plan.


Only the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (NORTA) and the Louisiana Department of Transportation (LA DOTD) are processing SBE certification applications, at this time. Visit NORTA’s small business program website for more information and application documents: www.norta.com -> Business Center -> Small Business and DBE. Visit LADOTD’s SBE Program page at: www.dotd.la.gov -> Business -> DBE -> Small Business Element.

State & Local Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (SLDBE) Program

The SLDBE Program is open to all business owners regardless of race, ethnicity or gender. In this program, an overall participation goal of 35% of all public works projects funded by state and local dollars was established for SLDBE-certified firms. For information on the SLDBE Program and revisions to City of New Orleans Policy Memorandum 46R, please see the Creating Pathways to Prosperity for the People of New Orleans presentation.


The Office of Supplier Diversity for the City of New Orleans is, now, the custodial owner of all SLDBE-certified firms, their certification files, and any future certification applications: http://www.nola.gov/economic-development/supplier-diversity/SLDBE Certification by the City of New Orleans is reciprocal for the SLDBE programs administered by the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, Harrah’s Jazz Casino, and the New Orleans International Airport.


To view a list of SLDBE-certified firms, via the City of New Orleans’ Office of Supplier Diversity, visit: www.nola.gov/economic-development/supplier-diversity/directory/.


1 Terminal Drive

Kenner, LA 70062

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