DBE Liaison Officer:
Philistine Ferrand
504.303.7614 (fax)

The SBE Program, pursuant to 49 CFR Part 26 Section 26.39, is open to all business owners regardless of race, ethnicity or gender. To be eligible, a business must have a least 51% ownership by a person who is economically disadvantaged. To be considered economically disadvantaged, the individual’s Personal Net Worth, not including their primary place of residence or ownership in the business cannot exceed $1.32 million, in compliance with the 49 CFR Part 26.67. An SBE business owner must be a U.S. Citizen or lawfully permanent resident of the U.S.


Additionally, the business must be for-profit and must meet the annual gross receipts cap of $17.42 million as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 and must meet the size criteria defined by the Small Business Administration: www.sba.gov -> . SBE size standards can be accessed here.


Click here to view the Airport’s SBE Program Plan.
Firms must be SBE- or DBE-certified prior to bid submission to be considered for participation toward any SBE contract goal. Post-bid certification concerns must be addressed and approved by the DBELO.


Businesses that are currently DBE-certified with the Louisiana Unified Certification Program (www.LAUCP.org) are presumed eligible to participate but must submit an SBE Affidavit of Certification Eligibility. Businesses that are owned by minorities or women and that are not currently DBE-certified must submit a complete DBE Certification application to an LAUCP certifying agency with all supporting documentation.


Certification by the State/Local Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (SLDBE) Program does not automatically qualify a firm for either DBE or SBE status. Small and disadvantaged businesses seeking to participate in the DBE or SBE programs must have DBE certification through a member of the LAUCP and/or SBE certification through the NORTA.


Only the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (NORTA) and the Louisiana Department of Transportation (LA DOTD) are processing SBE certification applications, at this time. Visit NORTA’s small business program website for more information and application documents: www.norta.com -> Business Center -> Small Business and DBE. Visit LADOTD’s SBE Program page at: www.dotd.la.gov -> Business -> DBE -> Small Business Element.

SBE Contract Compliance

Firms must be SBE-certified prior to bid submission to be considered for participation toward any SBE contract goal. Post-bid certification concerns must be addressed and approved by the DBELO.

SBE Bid Forms

Under Construction

Contractors on SBE-goaled contracts are required to report directly to the DBE Office, on at least a quarterly basis, payment activity to subcontractors, subconsultants, trucking companies, brokers, and SBEs. Q1 reports are due by Apr 20; Q2 reports are due by Jul 20; Q3 reports are due by Oct 20; and Q4 reports are due by Jan 20. Monthly reports would be due no later than the 20th day of the following month.

SBE Contract Compliance Monitoring Forms

To be completed and submitted directly to the DBE Office, on at least a quarterly basis, after the execution of the agreement:

Schedule J – Quarterly Activity Report


If the goal is not being met, the DBE Office may request the submission of this form:

Documentation of Good Faith Efforts (upon request)


If the Prime needs to remove, substitute, or reduce the scope/commitment of an SBE firm listed at bid, pre-approval from the DBELO is required:

Request for Removal and/or Substitution of DBE firm

Request for Subcontractor Modification (reduction in SBE scope/services)


When a contract reaches close-out status, and a retainage invoice is submitted, this form should be submitted to the DBE Office as part of close-out procedures:

Contract Close-Out

Commercially Useful Function (CUF)

The DBE Office evaluates the amount of work subcontracted, industry practices, whether the amount the firm is to be paid is commensurate with the work it is actually performing and the DBE credit claimed for the performance of the work, and other relevant factors.


For the entire rule, refer to: 49 CFR 26.55(c), (d).


1 Terminal Drive

Kenner, LA 70062

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