The DBE Program, pursuant to 49 CFR Part 26, includes all contracts for construction, professional services, and procurement, which are funded in whole or in part by federal dollars from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). As a recipient of Federal financial assistance, the NOAB is mandated to maintain a viable DBE program to promote and maintain a level playing field for all DBEs to compete for and to perform on these federally-funded contracts. The NOAB adheres to nondiscriminatory practices in the award and administration of all DOT-assisted contracts. Additionally, it is MSY’s stated commitment to remove any barriers which may impede DBE participation, and to assist in the development of DBE firms to compete successfully, ensuring that the DBE Program is tailored in accordance with applicable laws, and consistently implementing DBE eligibility standards which are consistent with 49 CFR Part 26.
Click here to view the Airport’s DBE Program Plan.
Firms must be DBE-certified prior to bid submission to be considered for participation toward any DBE contract goal. Post-bid certification concerns must be addressed and approved by the DBELO.
To view a list of DBE-certified firms, visit the Louisiana Unified Certification Program site: -> UCP Directory Search.
Louisiana Unified Certification Program (LAUCP)
In order to comply with regulatory mandates, the NOAB has collectively joined with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD), the LADOTD New Orleans DBE Office and the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority to develop and implement uniform procedures for DBE certification. This program eliminates the necessity for DBE firms to complete multiple applications, as certification decisions are reciprocally accepted throughout the UCP membership in Louisiana.
For further information on the UCP, please go to:
Triennial Goal Methodology
The New Orleans Aviation Board hereby announces its fiscal years 2023 – 2025 (October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2025) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal for all construction and professional services contracts let during that time which are funded in whole or in part by federal dollars.
A virtual meeting will be held on August 31, 11 am at:; meeting 2455 261 3108; password flymsy. A live recording will be made available September 7, 11 am.
The public notice, proposed goal and goal setting methodology are available, below.
Federal Fiscal Years 2023-2025
Federal Fiscal Years 2020-2022
Federal Fiscal Years 2017-2019
Federal Fiscal Years 2014-2016
DBE Certification
In order to comply with our DBE Program, the New Orleans Aviation Board (NOAB) has established a DBE Office and has appointed a DBE Liaison Officer (DBELO) to coordinate and administer the program and plan. Any small business owner embarking on the DBE certification process is advised to complete and submit a DBE application to the DBELO at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. The DBELO then conducts a site visit to verify status and issue a decision. The NOAB will certify only those businesses which are at least fifty-one percent (51%) owned and controlled by persons who are socially and economically disadvantaged.
An eligible DBE must be an independent business. Ownership and control of the small business by socially and economically disadvantaged individual(s) must be documented and substantive, and distress criteria must be found to be pervasive. Individuals who are members of the following groups and are citizens of the Unites States may be reputably presumed to be socially and economically disadvantaged: African-Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Subcontinental Asian Americans, women, and other minorities found to be disadvantaged by the Small Business Administration. The DBE owners must share in the risks and profits commensurate with their ownership interests, and must also possess the power to direct or cause the direction of the day-to-day management and major decisions of the firm. There cannot be any restrictions which prevent the DBE owners from making a business decision without the cooperation or vote of the non-DBE owners. If non-DBE members of the firm are disproportionately responsible for the operation of the firm, the firm will not be certified.
DBE New Certification Information, Application and Document Checklist
DBE Annual Update Affidavit and Document Checklist
Verification of No Change in Ownership, Disadvantaged Status or Structure
Affidavit to verify there have been no changes in the circumstances of your firm which affect its ability to meet the size, disadvantaged status, ownership or control requirements of the program. If there have been such changes, please refer to the New Certification application.
Verification of No Change – Non-Concessions Firms
Verification of No Change – Concessions Firms
Personal Financial Statement (upon request)
Expansion of Business Services
Use this form if you need to expand the list of services for which your certification can be used to fulfill DBE goals.
Request for Expansion of Business Services
DBE Contract Compliance
Firms must be DBE-certified prior to bid submission to be considered for participation toward any DBE contract goal. Post-bid certification concerns must be addressed and approved by the DBELO.
To view a list of DBE-certified firms, visit the Louisiana Unified Certification Program site: -> UCP Directory Search.
DBE Bid Forms
Schedule of Contract Participation
Schedule of Contract Participation (RFQ)
Documentation of Good Faith Efforts (if goal is not met in Schedule of Contract Participation)
DBE Firm Statement Intent to Perform (must be filled-out and signed by each listed DBE firm)
Contractors on DBE-goaled contracts are required to report directly to the DBE Office, on at least a quarterly basis, payment activity to subcontractors, subconsultants, trucking companies, brokers, and DBEs. Q1 reports are due by Apr 20; Q2 reports are due by Jul 20; Q3 reports are due by Oct 20; and Q4 reports are due by Jan 20. Monthly reports would be due no later than the 20th day of the following month.
DBE Contract Compliance Monitoring Forms
To be completed and submitted directly to the DBE Office, on at least a quarterly basis, after the execution of the agreement:
Schedule J – Quarterly Activity Report
If the goal is not being met, the DBE Office may request the submission of this form:
Documentation of Good Faith Efforts
If the Prime needs to remove, substitute, or reduce the scope/commitment of a DBE firm listed at bid, pre-approval from the DBELO is required:
Request for Removal and/or Substitution of DBE firm
Request for Subcontractor Modification (reduction in DBE scope/services)
When a contract reaches close-out status, and a retainage invoice is submitted, this form should be submitted to the DBE Office as part of close-out procedures:
Commercially Useful Function
The DBE Office evaluates the amount of work subcontracted, industry practices, whether the amount the firm is to be paid is commensurate with the work it is actually performing and the DBE credit claimed for the performance of the work, and other relevant factors.
For the entire rule, refer to: 49 CFR §26.55(c), (d).
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